Legion Paper - Deepwater Projects

Deepwater Projects

Scott Sandel of Deepwater Projects recently completed a new piece for the lobby of Cistrix in Santa Clara, CA. (Photo below).  The piece consists of seven 3D prints that are 96 x 36 x 36", and collaged from 250 gsm. BFK Rives uncoated 22 x 30" sheets. 84 sheets, to be exact, with each sheet printed on both sides on an Epson 7800.

After the digital printing, each 22 x 30 sheet was run through the hand etching press with a flat, hand-rolled layer of transparent lithographic tint base (on both sides). Then the sheets were built into collages, and the collages sewn together in a sailmaker's loft in New London, CT.

Each "kite" has three blades, and the corner of each is tied to an aluminum hoop. On the pointed ends there are small swivels that allow the kite to spin with each blast from the building's HVAC system.  

Said Scott, "To me, it illustrates what's possible beyond what's expected...I've been making prints for a while, and in order to keep making a living at this you need to continually have a new idea to inspire you. Breaking the rules by printing big color areas on uncoated stock was just the first rule broken. Bending, cutting, and sewning the BFK was tremendous fun, but the very thought of doing that would make some printmakers squirm."