[in code] Letterpress Project by Shift-Lab Via Twitter

[in code] is a social media inspired collaborative project by shift-lab using Coventry RagDuring SGC (March 27 - 28) tweet using the hashtags:
#printedword #woodtype #letterpress #shiftlab #cbaa #sgc2014

Your tweets will be set in type and printed at the San Francisco Center for the Book on Saturday the 29th by Shift Lab. 

Don't forget to come visit the Legion Paper Booth in San Francisco at 15D! 

Happy 20th Anniversary to Legion!

It was all a dream

We've been eyeing this set of prints from Paper Jam Press for a while now and we finally ponied up and got one for our new NYC office.  Up to 38 in the series (of a targeted 40), these are the brainchild of Arianna Orland.  Are we a little biased because they're printed on Somerset?  Probably.  Would we have wanted a set even if it weren't?  Probably.

Maybe Arianna will let us choose the last two phrases...

Solis Business Cards on Colorplan

So maybe we're a little slow on the uptake.  This was posted last year but just caught our attention.  Gorgeous business cards for Israeli-based Solis printed by Generation Press on Colorplan Ebony 540gsm using embossing & foil stamping.  Between the subtle embossing and the thickness of the paper, these cards make an impression before you even look at them.

And if you haven't already, check out the new Colorplan website for a one-of-a-kind paper experience.